Snowing in NYC on Super Bowl Sunday
After enjoying the mid-50-degree weather yesterday in the Big 🍎, naturally, I fully expected it to be snowing this morning as I was out running some errands. Lol!
All kidding aside, I took it in stride and got on with my Sunday morning full of #gratitude and thrilled about the day ahead. Let’s go!
With that in mind, while making my way around the city, I suddenly noticed and began to appreciate the beauty of the snowflakes falling from the sky. ❄️
As I watched in awe as the snow gently landed on my face, a feeling of serenity entered into my soul, and I felt like I was now one with the universe. Love it!
Since it was super early, there were only a handful of people out in the streets, so I decided to take advantage of this moment of quietness by journaling about this experience for my future reading and viewing pleasure.
Like I occasionally do, I decided to bring you along on this latest journey as I roamed around happily, taking pictures whenever I saw something that inspired me, which was abundant on this Super Bowl Sunday!
From the loud sound of a train speeding down the railroad tracks nearby to the imagery of the snow falling and the colorful sidewalks depicted in some of the photos, this ended up being another exhilarating and memorable walk around the city. 🚶🏽♂️
As for later today, I am headed to a Super Bowl party in the ❤️ of #NewYorkCity and looking forward to watching the game.
Well, friends, that does it for this spur-of-the-moment post. Until next time, have a fun Sunday and a great week ahead! 😊