Manhattan Bridge
I had to take care of some business only a few blocks away from the Manhattan Bridge, and knowing that one of my favorite restaurants was in this area, I planned to pick up a to-go order on the way home.
Upon completing my business and en route to catch the train back to my place, I had to walk by the bridge. While I was crossing the street, all of a sudden, a traffic cop started blowing his whistle emphatically, which startled me for a second; and I immediately turned to my left to look in his direction to make sure that everything was all right!
I bet you’re now thinking, so what happened next?
Well, the traffic cop was trying to get a driver’s attention who was too busy reading text messages on his smartphone, thus holding up traffic. Let me also add that it was not a pleasant exchange. Lol!
Consequently, by looking over in that direction, the monumental landmark entrance of the Manhattan Bridge bridge caught my eye. Right at that moment, it dawned on me that I’ve never taken the time to get an up-close view of the beautiful Arch and Colonnade sculptural groupings, which one sees when driving onto the bridge from Canal Street.
Since I wasn’t in a hurry, I decided this would be the perfect time to check it out. So I trotted over to the entrance and spent the next 20 minutes examining what I found to be superb architectural design while snapping a handful of pictures in the process.
Also, worthing mention, I found myself most fascinated by the frieze at the top of the structure and the tremendous level of detail depicted in the buffalo and horse images.
After observing this precious NYC gem, I called the restaurant, placed an order for the most delicious tasting dumplings in the Big Apple, and then began walking up Canal Street towards Chinatown to grab my food before heading down into the subway.
Shortly after placing my order, I was standing at the intersection of Bowery and Canal Street, waiting for the traffic light to change, when out of the blue, I felt like writing!
When the light changed, giving everyone waiting on the corner the okay signal to cross the street, I was already typing a recap of my Manhattan Bridge experience into my journal app.
I continued capturing my thoughts in real-time as I made my way over to the eatery. I ended up taking more pics during my relaxing stroll through Chinatown.
Once I picked up my food, I went into the Canal Street & Broadway subway station and hopped on the R-train to the World Trade Center to get to my tower — the end.
For those of you kind enough to take this walk with me, I thought it was apropos to share some of the photos with you.
Let me know your thoughts, and have a lovely Saturday. 😊