Autumn Colors in the City
I was out early this Sunday morning, taking a brisk walk through the neighborhood to relax my mind and, of course, ready to journal about anything in the environment that would happen to inspire me.
While gradually making my way around the city, I started to notice that my eyes kept gravitating towards the magnificent colors of autumn, from the warm green, golden yellow, orangey-red, and golden brown leaves on the trees, to the variety of gorgeous flowers scattered all around. You gotta love it!
I must say, the colors and imagery everywhere I looked were so vibrant and inspiring that my creative writing juices were beginning to activate!
If you follow me on LinkedIn regularly, you know how I like to embrace these moments wholeheartedly; thus, letting my thoughts flow freely, knowing that an uplifting message will soon follow.
So with the sounds of classical music playing softly in my ears, I calmly reached for my iPhone, opened my favorite journal app, and got ready to enter into my natural writing rhythm, which surely would lead to me getting lost in thought!
A few minutes later, I was typing whatever popped into my head into my phone as I walked the streets of my beautiful city. Along the way, I periodically stopped to smell the flowers, said differently, to smell the roses (lol), and took photos anytime my instincts told me to do so.
Then, while in the middle of taking a pic, I heard a lovely whisper in my ear, which started to get louder and louder; and as I was trying to figure out who it was, all of a sudden, I realized that the voice I was hearing was you!
Yes, you, the amazing person reading this post and viewing the images associated with our latest virtual walk together.
So as we admire the city’s beauty on this glorious Sunday in October while also appreciating each other’s company, please know that you continue to inspire me to write and share on this platform.
Moreover, I sincerely hope to inspire you equally and brighten your day with my words, images, and authentic content while growing with you in a meaningful way, respectfully.
Well, friends, now that my heart is overflowing with joy and optimism for the day ahead, I will stop it here and get on with my Sunday.
Thank you so much for spending a tiny portion of your day with me, and let’s all keep using our talents and positive energy to make the world a better place, when sharing our thoughts on this platform.
Until we meet again on Saturday at 11 am EST, have a relaxing Sunday and a productive week ahead. Let’s go! 😊
#authenticity #mindfulness #motivation